Car Rider Instructions
Each family will be issued a numbered car tag to be hung on your rearview mirror. This car tag must be displayed in your vehicle when you pick up your student from school in the car rider line. The number will represent your family and this is how the students will be called to line up to be placed in your car.
In addition to car tags, each student will receive a matching numbered tag that will be attached to his/her backpack. We are asking that you do not remove these backpack tags, as the tags will assist our staff in identifying students and line them up appropriately, based on your place in line.
Where & When Do I Pick Up the Car Tag?
All car tags will be available for pick-up at “Meet the Teacher” on August 15th for Kinder, and the 16th for 1st through 5th grades. This is where you will be given your car & backpack tags. Each family will be given 2 of each tag. Replacement tags must be requested by completing a “Request for Additional Car Tags” form found at the front office.
Homemade car tags will not be allowed, and the students will not be released unless the “campus assigned” car tag is displayed in the vehicle. This ensures the safety of all children.
If you participate in a carpool in picking up your students, the person driving that day must have a car tag number for each student they are picking up.
What if I Forget My Car Tag?
If you do not have your car tag displayed for car rider pick up, you will be asked to park and come inside with your ID to pick up your student. Please remember that if anyone, other than you, comes to pick up your student that person must have that student’s car tag displayed in their car window or they will be asked to park and come inside the building.
What if my Child is a Walker and it is Rainy Day Dismissal?
All walkers/bikers will be put in the car rider line for rainy day dismissal. It is your responsibility to have a car tag for your car to pick up your student in the car rider line for these days.
What Can I Do as Parent To Make this Transition Go Smoothly?
Help your student remember the “Family Number”, so when the number is called, they are ready to get in line to be picked up. If you have more than one student, make sure they are looking for their sibling to sit by in the car rider line at the end of the day.
Your assistance is appreciated as we start our car rider process for the 2019-2020 school year. The safety of your child is the utmost importance to Timber Creek.